Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 2: All Decked Out!

The morning started back at the Baltimore Firehouse Coffee Shop for quiche and coffee - they are giving us our own keys tomorrow.

Upon arrival for day 2 at the Believe in Tomorrow house at St. Casimir, we found that the deck needed a little more TLC. While Max and Tim powerwashed, Kelli, Sarah, and Carol divided up a few more chores. Carol mastered the art of painting doors and trim while Kelli and Sarah displayed a green thumb in planting various botanicals. The gardens were meticulously landscaped - rivaling the famed Gardens of Versailles.

There are several injury updates: Kelli has a splintered pinkie and Max is suffering from residual powerwash-induced vibration syndrome (RPIVS). Luckily, Tim, Carol, and Sarah escaped the day uninjured. Sarah anticipates a thumb abrasion for tomorrow.

After work, the SEEDS crew was given tickets (Believe in Tomorrow has been too good to us) to the Baltimore Orioles vs. Tampa Bay Rays baseball game. The Orioles won an exciting one, with Adam Jones hitting two home runs for the Orioles, leading Max to jump out of his seat and do the wave. Unfortunately Seederton could not participate, although he did have a good time (again he has no appendages).

the SEEDs Crew


  1. Excellent commentary! Glad to hear you're all having fun while working hard for a great cause. Give Seederton my best ....


  2. Sounds like a nice balance of hard work and fun!! :) Can't wait to hear about today's adventures. Kim

  3. Awesome updates! We can all see you're working hard, but what is Seederton doing? Does he have amazing powerwashing, sanding, or gardening skills we don't know about? Or is he management-- the SEED who calls the shots?

